Sunday 16 August 2020

HOW TO REDUCE FACE PIMPLE | Acne Remedies That Actually Work!



Unexpected acne is everyone’s worst nightmare. Especially just before an event or a special occasion. Here are 7 ways to quickly cure an angry pimple to make sure your breakouts wont ruin your day! Start with half a tsp. of turmeric powder which is known to kill bacteria and also aids in healing acne. Add in 1 tsp. of cinnamon powder. It has antiseptic and anti fungal properties and reaches deep into your pores to cleanse. 1/2 a tbsp. of lemon contains scorbutic acid to naturally dry out the pimple. Mix this into a paste with 1 tbsp. of honey to open up clogged pores and add hydration. Melt 2 tbsp. of coconut oil and add just 2-3 drops of tea tree oil. Tea tree oil can be harsh and drying on sensitive skin but when paired with nourishing coconut oil anti-fungal coconut oil it perfectly dries out pimples for a quick fix.   Green tea has the power to reduce the redness and puffiness of even the worst spot of acne Remove the tea leaves from a bag of green tea and moisten it with some hot water. When mixed with some cooling aloe Vera gel this will calm down those bright red swollen pimples that even concealer can’t cover up. Garlic is pretty similar to ingredients like turmeric and cinnamon and tea tree oil. And is one of those amazing all-purpose cures. Mash 2 cloves into a paste and mix it with some rose water to protect your skin from over drying. This mixture may not smell the greatest, but it will help heal your skin! We're sure your grand mom has told you about the superpowers of name oil. And she isn’t wrong. It soothes your skin while curing acne and helps in scar reduction too.

 Just mix some with a little bit of honey and dab it on the affected areas to let it work its magic. Baking soda is a natural defoliant that also neutralizes the ph. level of the skin to help DE puff any swollen areas. Mix 1 tbsp. of baking soda with enough water to make a paste and pack it on to the pimple. Just make sure not to rub it into your skin as the granules will end up causing more harm than good.   Powder 1-2 tablets of aspirin This pain relief pill also contains salicylic acid which will dissolve all that gross gunk under your skin to cure your acne. Mix it with a splash of apply cider vinegar for an antibacterial boost and some honey for hydration. Combine the ingredients into a paste and allow it to sit on your skin overnight for a noticeable difference in the morning. Try out any of these life saving recipes to see which gives your skin the best results for an acne free face. Until next time stay tuned and stay GLAMRS.

Sunday 2 August 2020

5 High-Paying Part-time Online Jobs To Do From Home in 2020

       There might come a time in your life where your income from your full-time job just can’t cover enough anymore. You might also feel unhappy or insecure with your day job, so maybe you are looking for a part-time job or a side hustle that could replace your current income source in the near future. And well, you might be taking care of your kids and your family and not willing to work the regular 9-5 jobs. If you are looking for side hustles that can provide you flexibility and are minimal in stress, then you might want to consider choosing ONLINE part-time jobs. For the jobs I’ll cover in this video, you don’t need to take a new Master’s degree. All you need is a high-speed Internet connection. Now, let me start by saying I will not talk about stuff like taking surveys, working in a call center and other similar online jobs that aren’t really improving your financial situation in the long run. I’ll be only talking about the highest-paying part-time online jobs that will allow you to make $30-$50 per hour!



1.   Graphic Designer Graphic designers

 especially skilled ones, will always be in demand. Because as more and more businesses go online, they need to effectively visually attract their clients if they want to be noticed. This includes having their own unique logo, animations, illustrations, and other visual graphics. The same goes to all the graphics for social media channels that businesses use to reach their customers online. A graphic designer also has a very important role in every company - online or offline - as they also help with the advertising, marketing, and web design of the business.


 If you want to start as an graphic designer, you should first build your design portfolio of course. After that, you can easily apply to online companies, be it big or small. If you look at Upwork for example, you’ll find that experienced graphic designers charge on average $30-50 per hour for services that include design of a company logo, or brand identity design. I can give you an even more specific idea. Actually, last week I talked about it in more detail in my video about how you can make money on Pinterest. I will give you a link to that video in the top right corner and in the description below this video. But anyway, as a graphic designer you could even specify that you work with clients for Pinterest, since it’s a visual platform and everyone who wants to get traffic from Pinterest, needs to consistently create new pin images and video pins.

 I mentioned in that video some of the prices companies specializing on Pinterest marketing charge their clients, and the prices are around $20 for one original pin image pin, and up to $50 for just one video pin.

 I’m not saying you will easily land clients for these prices but you can have an idea what your competition might be charging and create your pricelists with that in mind.



2.    Blogging or running an informational website

 This was my part-time job which I started while still working at my 9-5 stressful job about 3 years ago, and eventually it brought me to where I am now, working from home full time, being my own boss and making consistently over $20k/ mo with my business.

 These are the numbers which I could never ever make with my day job no matter how well and fast my career would develop. If you are interested in learning more about how I make this kind of income, I’ll give you a link to my other video where I shared a detailed income report and showed how I made 25k dollars in one month. Initially it was really just a side hustle and if you go through the older posts on my blog, you’ll find some of my first income reports where I shared how I was earning way below a $1000/ mo from my blog in the first year, as a beginner. For more click the video....below .....



Friday 17 July 2020

What is the Stock Market? Concept of stock market and its types.

 What is Stock Market ?

Stock Market

In technical analysis The stock market index refers to the collection of markets and exchanges where there are regular real time activities of buying, selling and issuing shares of publicly held companies. Such financial activities are conducted through institutional formal exchanges or counter marketplaces that operate under a defined set of rules. A country or a region may have multiple stock trading venues that allow transactions in stocks and other forms of securities.


What is the purpose of the stock market?


 The primary purpose of a stock market is to regulate the exchange trade funds  of stock as well as other financial assets. Such regulation ensures a fair environment not only for investors, but also for corporations whose stock markets are traded.


concept of stock market

concept of stock market


The most basic concept for the investing in the stock market is the idea that each share of stock represents a small share of ownership of a corporation. While most businesses are set up by small groups of people, when a company "goes public" its owners decide to sell shares of stock and, in return, receive cash from buyers.


Types Of Stock market

·         Income Stocks

·         Cyclical Stock

·         Blue-Chip Stocks

·         Tech Stocks

·         Speculative Stocks.

·         Defensive Stocks

·         Growth Stocks


How does stock market works?


In the 1600s the Dutch East India Company employed hundreds of ships to trade gold, porcelain, spices, and silks around the globe. But running this massive operation wasn’t cheap. In order to fund their expensive voyages, the company turned to private citizens– individuals who could invest money to support the trip in exchange for a share of the ship’s profits. This practice allowed the company to afford even grander voyages, increasing profits for both themselves and their savvy investors. Selling these shares in coffee houses and shipping ports across the continent, the Dutch East India Company unknowingly invented the world’s first stock market. Since then, companies have been collecting funds from willing investors to support all kinds of businesses. And today, the stock market has schools, careers, and even whole television channels dedicated to understanding it. But the modern stock market is significantly more complicated than its original incarnation.

what is stock exchange

stock exchange


                 York stock exchange , securities exchange, or bourse  is a facility where stockbrokers and traders can buy and sell securities, such as shares of stock and bonds and other financial instruments. Stock exchanges may also provide facilities for the issue and redemption of such securities and instruments and capital events including the payment of income and dividends Securities traded on a stock exchange include stock issued by listed companies, unit trustsderivatives, pooled investment products and bonds.  Stock exchanges often function as "continuous auction" market makers with buyers and sellers consummating transactions via open outcry at a central location such as the floor of the exchange or by using an electronic trading platform. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is one of the 12 federal reserve  of the united state.



how investors use the market today?



 Let’s imagine a new coffee company that decides to launch on the market. First, the company will advertise itself to big investors. If they think the company is a good idea, they get the first crack at investing, and then sponsor the company’s initial public offering, or IPO. 


This launches the company onto the official public market, where any company or individual stock who believes the business could be profitable might buy a stock. Buying stocks makes those investors partial owners in the business. Their investment helps the company to grow, and as it becomes more successful, more buyers may see potential and start buying stocks.


 As demand for those stocks increases, so does their price, increasing the cost for prospective buyers, and raising the value of the company's stocks people already own. For the company, this increased interest helps fund new initiatives, and also boosts its overall market value by showing how many people are willing to invested in stocks in their idea. However, if for some reason a company starts to seem less profitable the reverse can also happen.


 If investors think their stock value is going to decline, they’ll sell their stocks with the hopes of making a profit before the company loses more value. As stocks are sold and demand for the stock goes down, the stock price falls, and with it, the company’s market value. This can leave investors with big losses– unless the company starts to look profitable again. This see-saw of supply and demand is influenced by many factors. Companies are under the unavoidable influence of market forces– such as the fluctuating price of materials, changes in production technology, and the shifting costs of labor.


Investors may be worried about changes in leadership, badpublicity, or larger factors like new laws and trade policies. And of course,plenty of investors are simply ready to sell valuable stocks and pursuepersonal interests. All these variables cause day-to-day noise in the market, which can make companies appear more or less successful. And in the stockmarket, appearing to lose value often leads to losing investors, and in turn, losing actual value. 


Human confidence in the market has the power to trigger everything from economic booms to financial crises. And this difficult-to-track variable is why most professionals promote reliable long term investing over trying to make quick cash. However, experts are constantly building tools in efforts to increase their chances of success in this highly unpredictable system. 


But the stock market is not just for the rich and powerful. With the dawn of the Internet, everyday investors can buy common stocks in many of the exact same ways a large investor would. And as more people educate themselves about this complex system they too can trade stocks, support the businesses they believe in, and pursue their financial goals. The first step is getting invested.


 What is bid ask spread ?

A bid-ask spread is the amount at which the asking price for a property in the market will be higher than the bid price. Bid-pass expansion is the difference between the highest price that a buyer is willing to pay for property and the lowest price that a seller is willing to accept.



Profit of stock market


Investors can wall street benefit from buying stocks in one of two ways. Some stocks pay regular dividends .Another way investors can capital gain from buying shares is if the price of the stock rises above their purchase price, by selling their stock for a profit.